Atheer Studios


Atheer Audio Studio/ Sound Laboratory is a facility for producing, recording, and broadcasting live audio and recordings of shows and music sessions, episodes, interviews, stories, reviews of cultural events and readings.The studio supports Palestinian cultural operators in developing their capacities, supports small cultural projects, especially organizations based in remote and rural areas and creates accessible opportunities to Palestinian youth and women for creativity and self-expression through cultural means and enhanced engagement of Palestinian audience, with particular focus on young and female audience, in remote and rural areas in cultural actions.


The studio functions as an audio hub for audio reporters, broadcasters, artists, musicians, and cultural practitioners and a space for experimentation and cultural critique as an online studio. The studio provides an extraordinary community space open for musicians, artists and others, as well as constituting an important step in improving the cultural infrastructure in Palestine. Artists, musicians, critics, individuals, engaged in literature, visual arts, photography, design, music, film, theatre, and dance will be able to reserve and/or book a slot in the audio studio to record performances, interviews, reviews, readings, and features. Audio content produced in the studio will be edited/reviewed and moderated and then uploaded, broadcasted, and streamed through the project’s online audio platform (OAP). Cultural audio segments produced through the studio may also be promoted by podcasts, social media platforms, and radio stations of partner organizations.


Playing Now: - 14. Tamer Nijim - Yawmeyat Nazeh.mp3 -

Next: - - اغاني الثورة الفلسطينية اقدم واوضح نسخة.mp3