Atheer Guest Productions

Yallah Habibi podcast is basically about Pia and Katha's daily life in Palestine. The target group are people living in Germany who maybe have never been here and cannot imagine what life in Palestine is like. They often were asked questions like “do you have to wear a hijab?”, “can you drink alcohol in Palestine?”, “how is your life in Pakistan?”. They don’t see themselves as “ambassadors of Palestine” or anything like that. They are just sharing our experiences, what they see and hear and feel.
Yallah Habibi
Label: German Podcast
Authors: Pia Bergmann & Katha Averdung

Yallah Habibi podcast is basically about Pia and Katha's daily life in Palestine. The target group are people living in Germany who maybe have never been here and cannot imagine what life in Palestine is like. They often were asked questions like “do you have to wear a hijab?”, “can you drink alcohol in Palestine?”, “how is your life in Pakistan?”. They don’t see themselves as “ambassadors of Palestine” or anything like that. They are just sharing our experiences, what they see and hear and feel.

Yallah Habibi - Start your day right mit Knafeh Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Nie mehr Sonnenuntergänge! Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Die Lage ist ernst Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Am LSD-Frosch lecken Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Katha kauft Bücher beim König Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Irgendwas mit Gabi Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Uwe Wohnt in München Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Kann Man Hier Mit Visa Zahlen? Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Burggraben im Hummus Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Alle wollen unsere Pyramiden sehen Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Wir sind über den Jordan gegangen Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Brüste in den Golanhöhen Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Die versteinerte Glitzerwurst Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Adventure-Park im Kackhaus Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Der Wurm im Arsch Radio Atheer
Yallah Habibi - Mohammed aus Schevenhütte radio atheer
Yallah Habibi - Tinder at the Knesset RADIO ATHEER
Yallah Habibi - Schock am Wochenende RADIO ATHEER
Yallah Habibi - FaceTime mit dem Gasmann radio atheer
Yallah Habibi - FBI Ramallah Radio atheer
Yallah Habibi - Palästina ist wie der Klimawandel
Yallah Habibi - I love you, Germany
Yallah Habibi - Die Diebe sind gefasst!
Yallah Habibi - Ahmad Ahmad Ahmad Abdelaziz
Yallah Habibi - Der Berg ruft
Yallah Habibi - Geil geparkt!
Yallah Habibi - Essen und Skurrilitätenkabinett
Yallah Habibi - Achtung, ich bin nackt!
Yallah Habibi - All you need is love?
Yallah Habibi - Weltschmerz
Yallah Habibi - Affenliebe in Palästina
Yallah Habibi - Dancing is My Passion
Yallah Habibi - Salat aus Käfighaltung
Yallah Habibi - Urlaub mit Fairouz
Yallah Habibi - Die Bergritter in Palästina
Yallah Habibi - Die Vorsicht hat gebetet
Yallah Habibi - Mascara macht‘s schon
Yallah Habibi - Gute Nacht, Fatima!
Yallah Habibi - Jademasken an Ramadan
Yallah Habibi - Mit Sport und Sauerteigbrot gegen die Besatzung
Yallah Habibi - Athen liegt am Rhein
Yallah Habibi - Erdbeeren aus Gaza
Yallah Habibi - Ana, ich spreche Arabisch Radio Atheer

Playing Now: - 14. Tamer Nijim - Yawmeyat Nazeh.mp3 -

Next: - - اغاني الثورة الفلسطينية اقدم واوضح نسخة.mp3