Radio Atheer Productions

In the midst of the harsh war, thousands of Palestinians left their warm and beautiful homes without prior warning. Bisan takes us on an emotional journey inside her home in the podcast "Who Are We." She shares beautiful memories of her home, which overlooked the sea. The podcast presents stories we haven't heard in the news, narrating the last moments before the house was bombed, describing the most beautiful corners, closets, notebooks, pictures, walls, and their gardens. It delves into details that now only live in the memories of its inhabitants, who share them from their tents or schools or hospital corridors that have become their homes during the days of war.
Meen Ihna
Label: Radio Atheer
Authors: Bisan Odeh

In the midst of the harsh war, thousands of Palestinians left their warm and beautiful homes without prior warning.

Bisan takes us on an emotional journey inside her home in the podcast "Who Are We." She shares beautiful memories of her home, which overlooked the sea. The podcast presents stories we haven't heard in the news, narrating the last moments before the house was bombed, describing the most beautiful corners, closets, notebooks, pictures, walls, and their gardens. It delves into details that now only live in the memories of its inhabitants, who share them from their tents or schools or hospital corridors that have become their homes during the days of war.


"War changed the meaning of fear"
“The war taught me to eat whatever there is to eat”
“If I love someone, to tell them before I lose them”
“The war taught me that we can suddenly lose everything we have.”

In the second episode of "Meen Ihna" podcast, Bisan asks people “How We Changed”.

Keef Tghayarna
Boyoot Gaza

Playing Now: - 14. Tamer Nijim - Yawmeyat Nazeh.mp3 -

Next: - - اغاني الثورة الفلسطينية اقدم واوضح نسخة.mp3