TRANSFORMATIONS is a series of 4 episodes revolving around the recent contemporary dance production which premiered in December 2021. The performance marked the launch of SHAMS Dance Company, a new Palestinian dance company under the artistic direction of Jumana Dabis.
1. The first episode encompasses an open discussion with some of the key artists involved in the production. The director/choreographer facilitates an open dialogue regarding the process of creating the piece, what it entailed to create such a personal piece that pushed all the artists to dig deeper into themselves and their own struggles with life and death. The discussion also touches upon the technical aspects of preparing a production.
2. Episode two is a discussion between the choreographer/director and the singer to talk about the process of creating and recording an original song of Dammi Mashi.
3. Which thoughts and emotions storm through your mind while undergoing treatment for a serious disease; will you make it to the other side? 'Dammi Mashi' is a self-patting song that reflects the strength it takes to push through and overcome the storm.
The song is the outcome of a personal experience with my friend who battled cancer twice in less than two years. Amidst the darkest moments, she gathered her strength and resorted to the creation of a contemporary dance performance about her journey through her newly established ‘Shams Dance Company’, which I am part of. We collaboratively wrote the lyrics inspired from what she would tell herself to find some comfort through her treatment journey. We explored further with voice and movement, and the melody just came to me inspired from her movement and my feelings during our improvisation experience.
Dammi Mashi is my first original song, and I dedicate it to all the warriors who have combatted - or are still combatting - cancer and any other serious diseases, both physiologically and metaphorically…
Lyrics by: Majd Hajjaj & Jumana Dabis
كلمات: مجد حجاج وجمانة دعيبس
Singer & music composer: Majd Hajjaj
غناء وتلحين: مجد حجاج
Music arrangement & production: Jeries Babish
إنتاج وتوزيع موسيقي: جريس بابيش
Song recording, mix & master: Alaa Barghouthi
تسجيل ومكس وماستر: علاء البرغوثي
Video concept & production: Majd Hajjaj
فكرة وإنتاج الفيديو: مجد حجاج
Camera, art, animation & editing: Majd Darwish
تصوير ورسوم، تحريك ومونتاج: مجد درويش
Character choreography: Jumana Dabis
تصميم رقص الشخصية: جمانة دعيبس
Portrait: Asma Ghanem
رسم اللوحة: أسمى غانم
Technical support: Rami Rabah
دعم تقني: رامي رباح
Translation: Nabil Barham
ترجمة الكلمات: نبيل برهم
Co-directed by: Majd Hajjaj, Majd Darwish & Jumana Dabis
إخراج مشترك: مجد حجاج، مجد درويش وجمانة دعيبس
Audio version produced with support from Radio Atheer
تم إنتاج النسخة الصوتية بدعم من راديو أثير
Majd Hajjaj's official pages:
/ @majd.hajjaj
Jeries Babish:
Shams Dance Company:
Majd Darwish:
Asma Ghanem:
4. The last episode is the music prepared for scene one of the performance.
Music by Ragheed al Rifai.